Set your team up for global success through enhanced English language proficiency and strategic workforce development.

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English Pathway App

Elevate your team with an English learning APP that will take them to the next level!

Businesses of all sizes recognize the importance of equipping their workforce with English proficiency.

In the global arena, the ability to speak English is indispensable. Cultivating proficiency not only amplifies your team's engagement but also acts as a catalyst for heightened motivation.

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Our user-friendly app facilitates flexible learning, allowing them to master the language at their own pace, even amidst their busy schedules. This tailored approach ensures that language acquisition seamlessly integrates into their professional lives.

Our user-friendly app facilitates flexible learning, allowing them to master the language at their own pace, even amidst their busy schedules. This tailored approach ensures that language acquisition seamlessly integrates into their professional lives.

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Hand Holding Phone

Discover specialized learning capsules within the app, focusing on sector-specific English, including Business English, English for Tourism, English for Engineers, and more. This targeted approach allows your team to enhance their language skills in a way that directly aligns with your business objectives.

Hand Holding Phone

Discover specialized learning capsules within the app, focusing on sector-specific English, including Business English, English for Tourism, English for Engineers, and more. This targeted approach allows your team to enhance their language skills in a way that directly aligns with your business objectives.

Benefits of Using
English Pathway

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Increases employee engagement and motivation.

Enables businesses to be more competitive.

Provides flexible learning for busy professionals.

Prepares employees for global business interactions.

Offers efficient training for new hires.

Allows for customized learning plans based on specific language needs

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English Pathway also includes a continual assessment program, Cap, which allows your business to keep track of your team’s success, using cutting edge technology. Cap assesses all interactions and monitors performance, providing valuable insights to identify areas for improvement within your team.


More about
our App

Internationally aligned curriculum, benchmarked to the CEFR

Develops all four skills of the English language

Includes video content for those difficult grammar points

Extra speaking activities to develop fluency

Best in class user experience to keep engagement high

Designed to work in time efficient mini classes, that fit around busy schedules

Offline lessons for areas with poor internet connection

App connect with our Continual assessment program and Web LMS

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Transform your workforce, elevate your team's language proficiency, and stay ahead in the global market.
